Strategy and Methods of Personal Brand Promotion


The term "personal brand" was first coined by Tom Peters in 1997: "Big companies understand the importance of brands. Today, in the age of the Individual, you must be a brand. To be in business, our main job is to be a marketing Director who manages a brand called YOU" (Piters, 2012). Over the past 20 years, the term has migrated from business to almost all areas, and the development of digital technologies and, in particular, social networks has had a great impact on this process. Today, personal branding is one of the key trends in the field of PR, since the concept of H2H (human-to-human) is increasingly coming to the fore in all areas (Marranco, 2015). Regardless of the market or professional activity, interaction is always carried out not between companies, but between people. Internet technologies replace people, but they also give the opportunity to actively develop and find their target audience to those who previously had almost no chance of doing so. The same rules apply to a personal brand as they apply to product brands. Information must be created as part of a content plan that is subordinate to solving specific tasks for creating a personal brand of the Manager. The rule for generating content is one – there should be enough of it so that the Manager is interesting to the target audience, but also does not spam it with dozens of posts a day (Hall, 2018). At the same time, if possible, the Manager should try to communicate with subscribers not only in social networks or through the site, but also to meet people in person. Knowing about the Manager personally, in the future, if a person needs a service as part of the professional activities of the Manager, they are more likely to give their preference to him, rather than to those with whom they have only communicated on the Internet or seen only in videos (Long, 2018). Of course, the person who creates a brand must constantly maintain contact with their potential customers, because their opinions and location are extremely important to them (Davydenko, 2009).